
2015년 10월 5일 월요일

A reflection about the Week#4 discussion about Motivation

Before I saw Dan Pink: The Puzzle of motivation video, I thought extrinsic motivations have more effects of people's lives than intrinsic motivations. The reason is people will be surely happy with the real outcomes or real rewards in their hands. However I was really surprised when the video showed two reversal outcomes of an experiment called The Candle Problem. So the video said often carrots and punishments method  doesnot work that the carrots block the creavities.

When I am on my deathbed, I want to able to say that my life was unregretful, I fully enjoyed my life time, I freely colorfully lived my life.  I so envy when I see or read books or articles about people living nonpossessive life and just travel. I now know that those people are really brave and great. For just a year, I want to live like them.

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